Sunday, January 31, 2010


Fucking obsessed with this blog called BLEACHBLACK that I found a few days ago with the help of my fwend Francesca. These two girls, Kristin and Valerie, each have domain over half the site, allowing them to post two differing, yet similar views, on fashion, pop culture and other cool shit. I am now beginning to check it out every day . . . multiple times a day.


Here are some things I did not know . . .

- In Tokyo, a bicycle is faster than a car for most trips of less than 50 minutes
- There are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal Crackers cookie zoo
- Your body is creating and killing 15 million red blood cells per second
- The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache on a standard playing card
- There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos
- Tourists visiting Iceland should know that tipping at a restaurant is considered an insult
- The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. It was the fashion in Renaissance Florence to shave them off
- The Nobel Peace Prize medal depicts three naked men with their hands on each other's shoulders
- A violin contains about 70 separate pieces of wood
- It takes glass one million years to decompose, which means it never wears out and can be recycled an infinite amount of times
- Most lipstick contains fish scales
- A group of geese on the ground is a gaggle, a group of geese in the air is a skein
- Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people
- A 'jiffy' is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second
- The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog." uses every letter of the alphabet
- Cat urine glows under a black-light
- Windmills always turn counter-clockwise. Except for the windmills in Ireland
- Camels have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand
- Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stone
- Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie
- The average person has over 1,460 dreams a year
- Over 10,000 birds a year die from smashing into windows
- Thomas Edison, the lightbulb inventor, was afraid of the dark
- In England, in the 1880's, "Pants" was considered a dirty word
- Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women
- Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel, "Gadsby", which contains over 50,000 words -- none of them with the letter E

You wake up late for school man you don't wanna go
You ask you mom, "Please?" but she still says, "No!"
You missed two classes and no homework
But your teacher preaches class like you're some kind of jerk
You pops caught you smoking and he said, "No way!"
That hypocrite smokes two packs a day
Man, living at home is such a drag
Now your mom threw away your best porno mag (Busted!)
Don't step out of this house if that's the clothes you're gonna wear
I'll kick you out of my home if you don't cut that hair
Your mom busted in and said, "What's that noise?"
Aw, mom you're just jealous it's the Beastie Boys!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

...ships passing in the night that
neither signal nor recognize each other.

Step Right Up

Here are my some of my favorite things he didn't win.


nice look

big ups

— not

pushing this box


circular swimming

two youths


invisible heart

when human



Thanks to Scenes From Private Life

Friday, January 29, 2010

Sun 600 LMS

I feel like I just got hit by a train, so I took some Tylenol and I am probably going to pass out in a few minutes. Here is my attempt at posting something. My sincerest apologies dawgs.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Behind the Seams

Behind the Seams is by far one of the best Do It Yourself blogs I have seen in quite awhile. Thank you to Urban Outfitters for turning me towards it.

Monday, December 21, 2009

DIY Patterned Wool Pants

Things you will need: A sweater with patterened sleaves, scissors, boy shorts or any stretchy shorts, thread, needle.

Step 1. Start by laying patterened sweater on a flat surface.

Step 2. Locate the crease of the sleeve and where the body of the sweater meets.

Step 3. Cut and detach both the right and left sleeves(approximately two inches above the crease line)

Step 4. Begin by tucking one of the patterened sleeves underneath the hem of the shorts. Using your thread and needle, simply sew the sleeve against the hem. Repeat the process on the other side.

Step 5. Voila! You have chic and comfortable patterened wooly pants that you can wear with a long knitted top! Perfect for the winter season.

Dats Right

I was recently told about this concept called graphology, or the study of handwriting. The act of writing contains spontaneous actions for the purpose of communicating ideas. I had always known that you can tell a lot about a person based upon how they write, but I didn’t know how on point the descriptions really were. My friend explained to me that a person’s handwriting is truly the window to their soul, and based upon how a person is feeling, they may change the way they write. Looking at what I do on a daily basis, I know that I change my handwriting if I’m mad by writing messier and more aggressively. Something that really struck me is that those who tend to have more jagged lettering as opposed to a more bubbly style of penmanship tend to be more intelligent, vivacious, and creative. Those with bubbly lettering are often more open to new experiences and always try to get the most out of everything.

The four primary expressive elements are the baseline, the enclosure, the imposed structure, and the stroke. The baseline is the imaginary line that letters rest on while moving forward to the right. Horizontal movement along the baseline represents the individual's reaction to experiences, living values, time demands, learning (right motion- to advance, expand, and progress and left motion- to revert, constrict, and regress). So if you are a person who has a strong, very rigid movement to the right when your’re writing, that means that you are always looking towards the future, finishing what you start, and achieving what you set out for yourself.

The slant represents emotional responsiveness or reactions to immediate circumstances and/or inner feelings. A person who’ writing is heavily slanted to the right, could be described as motivated, emotionally strong and rather imaginative, whereas a person who’s writing is not slanted could be described as a stickler for details, and organized in various aspects of their life. An enclosure of a letter represents imagination, concept enlargement, and idea expansion. A person who does not close their letters fully may be free and uninhibited, expressing themselves as they choose, while a person who makes a point to close every letter fully can be considered determined and destined to succeed.

The stroke depicts life force, energy flow, libido. The stroke's pressure represents intellectual vitality, physiological energy, sexual passion, and emotional intensity; the stronger the stroke (the more pressure applied while writing) the stronger the aforesaid qualities will be in a person.
Here are some more examples of various styles of writing and what they can describe in a person. Take a look at how you write and compare it to these examples to see if they coincide with your personality! According to these, I am creative, independent, rigid, investigative, dynamic and compulsive; some of these are contradictory, but overall I feel that it is a pretty accurate psychoanalysis of myself. NOW IT’S YOUR TURN.

Thanks to HandwritingPro


Boy, when you're dead, they really fix you up. I hope to hell when I do die somebody has sense enough to just dump me in the river or something. Anything except sticking me in a goddam cemetery. People coming and putting a bunch of flowers on your stomach on Sunday, and all that crap. Who wants flowers when you're dead? Nobody.

RIP JD Salinger
You were a God for teens everywhere, and truly a believer of what teen angst can do to the best of us.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Cavern Collection, my new obsession.

I actually spent thirty minutes on the Cavern Collection website wishing that I could own every single thing I saw.

**i @M s000 f@bbU!0Uss +H@+ i d0NN+ n33d 2 ri+3 inn pr0P3r eeNg!iSh**

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


This has really been poking at my insides the past few weeks. People have always told me what I should and shouldn't do, and at this point, I am so sick of it all. I just want to be able to do things for myself and not have to answer to anyone. It's so soon though. I can feel it. I guess I could consider myself one of these people who gives advice to others, but doesn't take it myself. It sounds rather idiotic if you think about it, but I just cannot take my own advice. I tell others to relax; I worry. I tell others it's not worth it; I still go for it. I tell others that they can do better; I still settle. It's the vicious circle that is my life, and I need to break out of it. ASAP. It is a far cry to ask myself to listen to what I tell other people, but I really wish I could stick to this stuff . . .

[wuhn]. Don't let other fucking people tell you that what you like is wrong. YOU LIKE WHAT YOU LIKE, and ignore everyone who is like "ew I hate that" or "oh my gawd how could you ever do that." Honestly, I get this so much and I'm sure everyone else does too. Forget that shit it's nobody's business what you choose to do, because you are who you are, and nobody should let you change yourself to fit into our stupid societal norm.

[too]. If someones a bitch, they're a bitch. The end. There's very little that you can do to change that, so you just have to let it go, and there's no point in making it your life's goal to get your revenge. I am at fault for this, and I regret ever wasting my time on someone who is so not worth it. Let the betches be betches and the world will be at peace, because without the mean, you would never understand the fulfilling impact of the nice.

[three]. Don't try to please other people, aka don't do everything your parents tell you because it's not their life, it's yours. I know it's not that easy, but I have been submitting to what my father has told me for the past seventeen years of my life, and I had to struggle to make mistakes and spend so much time finding out about myself, as I am sure you have all had to do. This isn't a boo-hoo my life sucks kinda thing, it is a don't make decisions based on what other people want for you kinda thing. This is so juvenile and we all know it, but we all still do it, because we as humans want praise, acceptance, and to be given a good 'ole pat on the back.

[fawr]. All of this gossip garbage is really getting old. We're all culprits of it because we all talk about other people, want to know everything about other people, and in a sense, live off of this mindless banter. Think about it, in almost every conversation you have, are you making fun of another person, mentioning what another person has said and mocking it, or judging people based off of things they have done? I know I have done all of these things, and continue to do them on a daily basis. I can tell myself to stop and think that I will be a better person for doing so, but unfortunately, that's not the way things work. We live for the hype.

[fahyv]. Just relax, with an open mind so much more is possible.

[siks]. You don't know someone unless you actually talk to them, so don't go about thinking something about someone unless you take the time out of your 'oh so busy life' to get to know them. I'm sure if half of us actually talked to the people we talked shit about, that we would realize how much we really have in common. I mean, we are all Homo sapiens.

[sev-uhn]. Just don't pretend to be nice. I would rather have you not talk to me than be super sweet and then just go bullshit about me to other people. I know so many girls (and guys) who continue to do this to myself and almost everyone I know. I do this shit too but I am feverishly trying to stop because I hate playing pretend.

[eyt]. DONT'T SETTLE! Try to do everything you possibly can and don't just give into something because you think that it will satisfy what you need. Go beyond your satisfactions and the realm of your comfort zone! What we get in life is what we make of it, so go out and do everything your heart desires, whether that be going to the Wiggles concert tour, or shopping at Baby Gap, fulfill your wildest dreams and expectations.

[nahyn]. Take your own advice, because, chances are, what you tell other people they should do is probably what you wish you could do.


Point to the less.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Roland Jr.


Roland Jr.
Class of 1976
Roland has undergone a few changes.

Photo courtesy of Bree Apperly


ur welcum

You Make Me Wanna Shout

Obsession is not a strong enough word to describe how much I love Alexi Wasser. She created this blog called IMBOYCRAZY in November 2008 and it has been a steady climb to world domination for her ever since. She talks about her major loves, which include boys, food, clothing, drinking, ya know all that shit. Not only does she let everyone in on the events of her life, she lets guys and gals know what to do to impress the opposite sex, and avoid looking like a total tool. Alexi posts stories about the guys she meets, the one night stands she lives through, and things that she tries to do, and not to do in her relationships. Some of it is a bit risque, but I love her bluntness nonetheless. I'll save the rather scandalous stories of her trists with new-found acquaintances for you to find in your own perusing, but her is a list of Alexi's "Ten Things You Should Stick To In the New Year"

we did it! it’s totally 2010 bitch ass muthah-fuckahs! i hope you didn’t make too many embarrassing mistakes on new years eve/ like ending the night throwing up in your own bathtub (while you were in it) like i did last year! this year i changed it up, and decided not to drink. i didn’t wanna start the new year all hungover and hazy. and you know what?…. because i didn’t drink, and had zero expectations; it ended up being the best new years eve of my entire life. no joke! it was epic! (i made out with four boys in one night! my mouth was like a human petri dish! on new years eve, all bets are off!) but that’s a post in itself, down the road. I’ve learned not to be too raw, too soon from past posts. i need a bit of a buffer.

so what the fuck are we gonna do to ensure that 2010 is the most fan-fucking-tastic epic year yet? I’ll tell you! bam, boom, pow!

let’s get our shit together people:

1. burn sage- clear out your zone; home, work, locker, car, anywhere/everywhere!

2. shave your fucking legs bitches. what are you, a feral dog?! yowzers!

3. wear make-up! please! a little goes a long way. i really don’t think it would kill you to even out your skin tone and slap on some eyeliner and/or mascara!

4. stop drinking (i guarantee, you’ll lose 10 pounds of bloat!)

5. you need to exercise. yeah….. YOU! (i say, as i look at myself in the mirror.)

6. don’t do heroin! is it the mid nineties? cuz, last I checked, it was 2010. i know doc martins are back, but this is re-donkulous! heroin is totally lame and bad for you and will make you dead. for reals. heroin is in no way, shape, or form endorsed by at all! so cut that the fuck out! yeah, it’ll make you skinny, PLUS smell bad, AND super retard boring. but by the time you’re in a coffin, you won’t even notice!

7. treat people the way you want to be treated! i fuck up and don’t always live by this rule, but at least when i fuck up, i remember my behavior that I’m not proud of and i try not to repeat it! we’re always given opportunities to repeat the same mistakes. it’s like the universe is testing us. and when we learn and choose not to repeat those mistakes again and again… it’s like we passed the test!

8. use a fucking condom! are you serious? with aids, warts, herpes, chlamydia, hpv, gonorrhea, unwanted pregnancies that result in getting an abortion/having a miscarriages/putting a baby in a dumpster OR WORSE letting that baby be born, etc….. stop having unprotected sex! just because he’s a goody goody white boy wearing apc who claims he’s ‘clean’ while trying to stick it in you saying ‘i hate condoms, they’re so annoying, i don’t have anything (in regard to virus/disease/or condoms). shhhh, i really like you. (kiss, kiss.), blah blah blah….’ doesn’t mean it’s true! plus; the dude should be worried about what diseases your nasty vadge hole is holding hostage. the definition of ‘girl’ isn’t: clean and made out of candy. (i mean, mostly it is, but not ALL the time).

9. everyone, please do this:

figure out what you love doing the most;

painting, writing, fucking dudes, dancing, math, science, helping people, dating, matchmaking, blogging, typing, giving birth, organizing shit, cooking, eating, juggling fire, hypnotizing strangers, talking, thinking, listening, fixing stuff, picking zits (ie: esthetician), arranging, working at a flower store, taking over the world, politics, law, being a doctor, gardening, flipping houses, designing clothes, drawing, throwing parties, collecting stickers, being bossy, opening a gallery, taking photos, building websites, dj’ing, mediating, solving problems, drinking coffee, flirting, babysitting, massage, selling stuff, reading, making stuff, advising people, singing, whatevs, a desk job, retail, repeating yourself….whatever! just get really honest with yourself and admit what it is that makes you wanna wake up early in the morning to do it!

and then, ACTUALLY do it!

THEN figure out how to makes lots of money doing just THAT!

Boy Crazy Promo from alexi wasser on Vimeo.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thank you Urban Outfitters for putting a pink pony in your logo, you've made my insides tingle.

The Diplomat's Son

I fucking wish I could do this, anything Dizzy is spectacular.

Fake fake fake yeah what you're made of
You talk and nobody cares, listens, wants to hear you
You're wrong there's no use, no point
We have our opinions, that's it
The end.
You've done it, made it, sucks sorry
It's your fault fault fault
Fuck fuck fuck
Think you have what it takes
No chance, never ever
Start the show
Walk with the music you hear, "dun dun dun"
They all end the same, we know
Pushing, screaming, kicking
To the top top top
They'll see
We see
You'll see

Image courtesy of $$$$$.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


This is how I feel right now.

B b roKen Lll i NK

The Massive Win is an unparalleled Youtube account created by my two comrades, Laura Marelic and Ashley Tarriff. The videos revolve around failures, accomplishments, pubescent angst, utter amazingness, exceptionally annoying people, and insanely interesting people. Ashley and Laura go about their days filming anything and everything that happens to them, from going off campus during school, to running errands, to spending time with friends and family, to going to the Stateline diner and making fun of strangely-accented waitresses. The two make everything in life more exciting, and embrace the world around them, portraying those never-to-be-repeated moments beautifully through a lens. It doesn’t matter if you know any of the people in the videos, because they will be just as interesting and hilarious to all of you non-Mahwah folks. Together, Laura and Ashley are comical and intriguing, but when forced to interact with the real world, the events that unfold are “pain-in-the-side-from-laughing-too-hard” inducing. When I start watching, I cannot stop, so tell everyone you’re around right now to back the F up so that you can enjoy twenty minutes of quality entertainment. Enjoy.

These are photos by Valeria Picerno that I really like at the moment. I found them and I love that she still finds beauty in film in a digital overload.


Courtesy of Smoke and Sassafrass

Friday, January 22, 2010

Just believe and good will come.



Lately, I have been having to make some pretty monumental choices in my life, and I’ve been spending countless hours thinking, debating and pacing. It’s getting to be pretty annoying and traumatic so I have had to find something else to do to occupy my time when I’m procrastinating . . . like I’m doing right now. But whatever, my entire life is one big mess of putting things off so it’s nothing new. I always ask myself these crazy “would you rather” questions inside my head during class when I can’t focus on what’s actually going on. While I can’t find an answer for many of them, there are some that I could answer without hesitation.
Here are my answers to some pretty standard “would you rather” questions, but ask yourself, which would you rather do?

-Would you rather always take a cold shower or sleep an hour less than you need to be fully rested?
COLD SHOWER easily practically nothing gets between me and my sleep.

-Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind or never speak again?
Never speak again because saying everything on my mind would fuck me over so badly

-Would you rather always lose or never play?
Always lose so then I can experience the game

-Would you rather be a deep sea diver or an astronaut?
Astronaut forever

-Would you rather be a tree or live in a tree?
Live in a tree no doubt, that would actually be amazing

-Would you rather be able to hear any conversation or take back anything you say?
Take back anything I say

-Would you rather be forgotten or hatefully remembered?
Hatefully remembered because then my life wasn’t worth nothing

-Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you hate?
By myself, I hate pretending to be cordial to people who I hate so that just wouldn’t work

-Would you rather be the most popular or the smartest person you know?
The smartest person I know because to be popular is some fucking stupid label people put on others, while intelligence is actually worth something

-Would you rather eat a handful of hair or lick three public telephones?

-Would you rather find true love or 10 million dollars?
True love though money would buy me temporary happiness

-Would you rather get even or get over it?
Definitely get even

-Would you rather go without television or junk food for the rest of your life?
Television, mostly because I can watch shows on my computer

-Would you rather sweat moderately but constantly 24 hours a day all over your body or have a metal pin in
your jaw that constantly picks up talk radio stations?
A metal pin because then I could listen to music all day err day

-Would you rather have to frolic or crawl everywhere you go?
Frolickers united


There are just no words to decribe it . . . it's a standpoint.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Incase I forget, I'm never gonna get it.

Just get over yourself. Seriously.



Tehe. I feel like everywhere I go, everything revolves around unicorns. There are so many signs that promote unicorns, people are pretending to act like unicorns and my little sister can't stop drawing them in notebooks. My notebooks actually. Anyway, there are some insane people who try to make their horses look and act like unicorns to fulfill their weird fantasies. How can you act like a unicorn you may ask? Well, you must first pretend to have magical powers, throw sparkles everywhere and prance about like a musical theatre fairy. If you for some reason don't know what a unicorn is, it is a mythical creature, kind of like a horse, but it has a long, slender horn growing out of its forehead. In medieval folklore, the spiraled horn of a unicorn was called the alicorn, and was thought to neutralize poisons. Unicorns were also hunted for their horns, which were said to protect one against diseases, or, if made into a cup, would protect one form any poison that might have been added to their drink . . . weird. Creeps sold what they thought were unicorn horns at the time, but were actually selling narwall horns (narwalls are whales with large, horn-like tusks that swim in cold water.)I like unicorns, but not as much as Mexican food. Nothing beats Mexican food.


Oh, avalanche in apartment B
All at once a weight dropped on me
Sweating at the bar fifteen minutes ago
We were yelling our heads off
Now I'm surrounded by snow

Reach up, cold air hits your hands
Snow packs like cement you can't stand
Remain calm while rescue makes plans
The earth must contract and expand


They have taken residence in my head.

Can you find the instrument hidden in these short brain teasers? The answers are down below, and no, I won't judge you if you go to the end of this post and cheat due to utter frustration.
1. P O

2. BA BA


4. @ # $ %

Highlight below this line:
1. Piano (P and O)
2. Tuba (Two BA)
3. Clarinet (CLAR in ET)
4. Cymbals (Symbols)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

b4 i die

I never realized how insignificant so many things are. I always go about my day doing the same shit over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, day after fucking day, never stopping to think if I'm actually happy. I was watching this new show last night called The Buried Life and yeah, it was kind of commercialized and INSIGNIFICANT, but the underlying message made me think about so many things that I want to do before I die. If you don't know the concept of the show, it is about four boys who were unhappy with the way their lives were going and decided to make a list of 100 things they want to do before they die. They set out on a journey across the country in a sick purple bus to do these 100 things, and help out other people on the way who want to accomplish something worthwhile before they die. There are so many things that I hope to do before I die that I don't think I will ever get to do. I hate it. I want to be able to enjoy my life while I'm still alive instead of having to always achieve and conquer; advancing and improving until I have some high paying job that gets me a huge house and all that garbage. It's not what I want. Well, no, it is what I want but there are so many more important things that I should dream about accomplishing. But no. All anyone wants to do anymore is beat out the person next to them and get better grades, get into a better college, get a higher GPA, get a better internship, get a better job, make more money, buy a bigger house, have better children who just want to go out and do the EXACT SAME THING. That's the cyclical nature of our country, and what everyone is forced to deal with. I'm not saying that this is completely wrong and that everyone should drive their cars off bridges and throw their money into the ocean, but chill out. Seriously. Is this really necessary? This is all meaningless and insignificant. What do I want to do before I die?

Walk atop the Great Wall of China
Have my own star
Go to Greece
Teach my grandmother to speak more English
Give my father just as much as he gave me
Adopt an animal
Swim with sharks
Jump off a cliff
Go to an insane asylum
Write a book about witchcraft
Go to the White House
Go to the moon

If only it were all possible.

All Down the Line


Yeah, heard the diesel drumming all down the line.
Oh, heard the wires a humming all down the line.
Yeah, hear the women sighing all down the line.
Oh, hear the children crying all down the line.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Call to the Moon

There is this girl named Shelby Di Marco, and she’s stupefying. From creating her own unique collages, to taking a bounty of marvelous photos, she has made a name for herself; and she’s only 18. This girl wonder has found herself at Space 15 Twenty, a one of a kind store stationed in Los Angeles that presents the collaborations of Urban Outfitters and new and inspiring designers. This store sells unmatched designs, provides space and opportunities for local vendors who bring the funk, and encourages native artists to display their talents in countless musical performances. Shelby has her own blog titled Banshee Beat, where she displays her collages and other interesting tidbits that inspire her. She also has a flickr and yet another blog titled Dear wwwolf where readers can send Shelby a photo and the story that goes along with it. I never realized how equally important the story behind a photo is to the photo itself until I happened upon this site. I was lucky enough to ask Shelby a few questions, and here is what transpired . . .

How did you start Banshee Beat?
-I started Banshee Beat to use it as a sort of Gallery for my photography and things that inspired my work and personal style. As the months went by I started to get into collaging, really as a way to enliven my blog. Eventually the display of my work progressed to my lovely job, so I’m very happy with where I am at.

Describe to us Space 15 Twenty.
-Space 15 Twenty is Urban Outfitters experiment retail setting, which gives UO an opportunity to collaborate with creative and amazing artists/designers. Space holds UO, Free People, Shoes+Shoes+Shoes+Bags, What Goes Around Comes Around(Vintage Stores based in NY) Umami Burger, Hennessey+Ingalls(The Best Bookstore) and Gallery Space. We also hold events like Monthly Flea Market, or Bike Day LA to name a few. Its a really amazing place, you are bound to be inspired.

Film or digital?
-Film Forever

How has photography, and making your own collages made you who you are today?
-Its shaped me in so many ways. Its opened up so many wonderful opportunities.

Describe your perfect day.
-Coffee Shop, Taking Photos, Going to a yummy vegetarian restaurant, a hike, getting my photos developed at the end of the day. I also love full work days.

What is the one purchase you could not live without?
-Hm, probably my Yashica

Do you have a favorite place to shop?
-Good Will

What is your favorite food?
-Anything Vegetarian, Anything Italian

Favorite movie?
-Tough one, but Royal Tenenbaums

Favorite book?
-Art Forms in Nature. I’m not a big reader, but I love visuals.

Favorite band or singer?
-Another tough one, at the moment Hope Sandoval and the Warm Inventions

What website do you always find yourself on?
Who is your most admired person?
-Too many to name

Where do you see yourself next year?
-Continuing my job at Space 15 Twenty

Dream place to live?
-Santa Monica/ Florence/ San Francisco Maybe.

Where do you get the inspiration for your incredible collages?
-Well, thank you. It can be anything really. The simplest things, it all comes together like a magnet. My mind doesn’t stop making collages, I sometimes find myself dozing off to sleep while my mind is still putting things together.

What is your photo blog Wwwolf?
-Dear Wwwolf was an experiment, that I believed has died. It was the story behind the photo, there could be so many interpretations.

What is one trend that you adored as a pre-teen, but now ask yourself why you ever thought it was cool?
-The one that tops the list is decking out in a certain color, like red. Head to Toe red.

Many say that it is our environment that molds us, how has your environment molded or inspired your work?
-That’s the cool thing about LA, you get both nature and city, and both combined can create something really lovely.

And finally, do you like cats? The Youth Explosion has a thing for felines.
-I love cats. I love my little Jax to bits and pieces...I love animals more than humans.

Here are some of Shelby's transcendent collages. A true artisan.PhotobucketPhotobucket

Check out Shelby's Do It Yourself that she hosted at Space 15 Twenty a few weeks ago. As you can tell, Space 15 Twenty is a place where inspiration can be found inside and out.

Banshee Beat x DIY x Flea Market from Space 15 Twenty on Vimeo.


I have this idea of when i stop caring,
i’ll take a photo of it to remind myself that it wasn’t apathy.
it was the lack of emotion ( in the space ) between us.
it was focusing on this that has made it so hard,
a course that i wish i didn’t have to repeatedly drive through -
when i do care enough to remember -
i’ll probably forget to realize that it doesn’t matter.
one last time before the end?

courtesy of Scenes From Private Life

Monday, January 18, 2010

smoke 'n mirrors

I'm sure many of you have heard of I have wanted to do a post about the website for quite awhile now, but I was not sure if people would find it interesting. Seeing now how many people actually go on the website for inspiration, I have decided to do this post and express my love for the website. I love it because it gives any person, no matter their age, gender, country of origin, body type or fashion sense, the ability to display their apparel for all to see. The boys and girls on this website live for fashion and some of the outfits and photographs too are to die for. The artistry of this site is absolutely spectacular. Here are a few of my favorite looks that have been posted over the past few days and have received mad hypes and hearts: