Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Way Back Wednesday

I had the opportunity to interview a Alecia Anne Marcum, a worshipper of the cosmos and avid crystal hunter who travels through our galaxies and dances with wolves in her spare time. She's an Oklahoma native who now resides in the beautiful Austin Texas where she works, plays and lives freely. Her style, designs, photography, and blogs/tumblr inspires me to no end. What it comes down to is that she is a fucking cool chick who moves to the grooves and stays true to herself and what she loves. How she does all of this stuff and still manages to breathe? Beats me. I think it may be some sort of witchy brew that she consumes, or maybe even a magical aura placed upon her. Whatever it is, I WANT SOME. I'm going to go ask Alecia about her secrets, but you stay here and check out the madness.

1. How did you start your tumblr Black Lung (bobo Woodlake)?

i started blacklung, honestly, because of my dear friend courtney brooke. she started one awhile back and began hounding me about starting my own. once i got hooked on hers, i figured it was time to start my own nest of inspirational thoughts & images. now i can't imagine my days without tumblr. so many inspiring pictures that make my days more magical. the title blacklung came based on my asthmatic life. i have had asthma since i was 3 years old and just used "blacklung" as a reference to my weak and feeble lungs. in addition to that, black has become the dominant color in my wardroble as of late.

2. Where do you find the constant inspiration for all of these incredible pictures that you post?

the inspiration for my tumblr images come from so many outlets. many of which are from close friends' photography sites and a good chunk has come from other tumblrs that i simply adore. dreamboat courtney, sun in scorpio, cradle to grave, alexandra in the forest, and cosmic dust...just to name a few. my most recent inspiration for my images came from a new business endeavor i am taking on with two of my dear friends, (sun in scorpio & cradle to grave) Sisters of the Black Moon, a vicious styling trifecta hellbent on global domination. you can find us on ebay.

3. I adore your site, Sisters of the Black Moon, and find everything that you and your two friends do amazing. Can you tell us all how you came about becoming friends?

i met rachel hunt through her husband, kyle hunt of the black angels. he had been a good friend of mine for sometime and had a hunch that his lady & i would hit it off. he couldn't have been more spot on since rachel & i have been cosmic confidants ever since we met 3 years ago. sara larocca & i met soon after through mutual friends and have continued to grow in our friendship over the last 2+ years. i couldn't be more thrilled to have those two as sisters.

4. Where do you find the clothes that you sell on your Ebay store?

we find our clothes we sell mostly at thrift stores (savers, salvation army, family thrift) and from our own wardrobes we are needing to scale back a bit. also, i can't go without mentioning the blue hanger! there are two locations here in austin and it seriously is a treasure trove! everything there is $1.25 and i mean EVERYTHING! it's addicting so beware! once you can't stop. :)

5. What inspires you most in life?

meeting real people with ambitious goals is most inspiring to me....and of course, my astral companion, bryan richie, who is always encouraging me to be a better person and to strive to achieve everything & anything imaginable.

6. If you could live in one place from now until forever, where would it be?

that is such a tough would have to be somewhere in the hills of austria. it is by far the most beautiful place i've been to and the people there are so friendly. BUT there are so many places i have not yet been so that is tentative. i have to add, i could pretty much live anywhere as long as there is a thrift store around the corner.

7. How would you describe your incredible sense of fashion?

my fashion sense is very understated with a mix of vintage from all decades & classic pieces that i can wear forever but to be completely honest, i've been known to wear the same thing everyday. i'm really not all that fashionable in my everyday life. i'm more of a hoarder.

8. Favorite jewelry designer?

pamela love, hands down. from her intricate & unique creations to her drumming and fashion sense, she is a true pioneer.

9. Favorite band?

i can't name just one. locally(austin): the sword, the octopus project, the black angels, & eagle claw. I also really dig graveyard, saviours, and captain beyond just might be one of favorite bands of all time. i could really go on & on.

10. Favorite book?

i am nearly finished with A Million Little Pieces by James Frey. My next book to conquer will definitely be The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. i keep hearing about how it has changed so many peoples' lives!

11. Favorite movie?

Boogie Nights

12. Favorite food?

sushi - salmon nigiri to be exact.

13. Favorite place to shop?

if you live in austin, you're quite lucky since you can hit three of the best places to shop in town all in one block on south congress. Prototype Vintage Design, New Bohemia, & Feathers Boutique.

14. Favorite place to just relax and remove yourself from the stresses of everyday life?

Wimberley, Texas....about an hour south of austin. it's our lil secret paradise!

15. What is one purchase that you could not live without?

i could not live without my lil medicine bag full of gemstones. it harnesses too much healing energy to relinquish.

16. What website do you always find yourself on?


17. Who is your most admired person?

does my cat, odin, count?

18. Describe your perfect day.

a day without traffic and a day full of friends, good conversation, sunshine, & good food. oh, and my cats of course!

19. Finally, do you like cats, because the Youth Explosion has a thing for felines.

that definitely goes without saying. i have two cats. radar & odin. a tortoise shell and a Siamese mix. they pretty much rule our household. nuff said.

Alecia is clearly a vivacious and talented spirit who I know will continue to flourish and stay supa sw33t for forever and ever and ever . . . and ever. Weeeeee.

cat Pictures, Images and PhotosDesert Cactus Tumbleweed Cowboy Saguaro Smiley Smilie Emoticon Animated Animation Gif Pictures, Images and Photosaustin powers 1 Pictures, Images and PhotosTwisty colourful cube Pictures, Images and PhotosCoffinSkeletonHaunts Pictures, Images and PhotosSODA Pictures, Images and Photospokemon Pictures, Images and PhotosPretzelGone Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. Ah! I love sisters of the black moon so much, thanks for writing about such an amazing group of girls xx

  2. So sweet, the animations are hilarious

  3. Thanks she's truly an inspiration!

  4. Bobowoodlake has to be one of my favorite tumblr's!

  5. great interview and i need to buy everything on their ebay store

  6. This woman is a world-wide inspiration! We are so proud of her, as her tribe. She makes people's souls blossom!
