Sunday, March 14, 2010


I have been obsessed with Daria for the past week. This show depicts high school for me so perfectly. Though I don't really see myself as Daria, I find that everyone who she deals with is similar to the idiots, skanks, bitches, adults and acquaintances who I am forced to be around. You have that dumb bitch who takes forever to get a sentence out because she has trouble putting words together; that girl who you know would stab you in the face to be the top of the class but pretends like she wants the best for you; that dad who wants to know what's going on, but doesn't; and teachers who are so fucking annoying. Here's where you can watch every single episode of Daria and bask in her monotoned greatness.


  1. Do you watch My So Called Life? If you don't, you must start immediately.
