Friday, March 5, 2010


I feel like the fucking walls are closing in, and that there's nothing I can do but stand there and let them crush me.

I feel like what I want is just so far and unattainable that I ask myself why I even bother anymore.

I feel like right now should be freedom, rapture, but it's quite the opposite, closed off, captured.

I feel like people are right in telling me that nothing I do right now matters, but I cannot get myself to give up.

I feel like nobody truly understands how much certain things means to me.

I feel like rejection is something I should get used to because I'm going to be getting a lot of it in the months to come.

I feel like I now use music to hide from others how crazy I'm going.

I feel like I should be so excited for my performance, but I can't help but feel nervous and unprepared.

I feel like my brother thinks I want nothing to do with him, when I spend so much time thinking about how to stay connected.

I feel like I don't know how to feel.