Thursday, March 11, 2010


My friend Rachelle suggested that I do a post about weird piercings, and because I have gone through so many "Omg, I want to get ______ pierced," phases, I figured this would be rather humorous. I was debating whether or not I should put up pictures of where some of these body parts are, but in the process of searching, I came across so many really disturbing pictures of people getting their eyelids pierced, so the whole picture thing didn't work out.

1. The skin between your thumb and index finger. Why the fuck would somebody do this? I mean your hand is just one place that a piece of jewelry does NOT need to be.

2. Cleavage. How is this even possible?

3. The skin between your wrist and the base of your hand. I read a story about some girl who got this pierced and said that it looks really cool which I happen to disagree with.

4. A corset piercing down the side of your ribcage. Okay, I have looked up pictures of this and I cannot understand why someone would want to pierce holes in their body just so they can put string in them. Why not just wear an actual corset?

5. The skin at the top of your neck, below the chin. Ouch. I wonder if every time a person with this piercing swallows food, that they can feel it hitting the piercing.

6. The area right where your toes begin on your feet. I don't mean between toes; I mean literally in the middle of your foot. I saw this picture of someone who had webbed toes with this piercing and I almost threw up, all over my keyboard.

7. YOUR DIMPLES. This has to top them all. People get their dimples pierced so that when they're not smiling, they still have something where their dimples are to attract attention. Beyond weird.

I have my ears pierced, and that's pretty much all I can handle for now; except maybe a second piercing in my earlobe, and another in my cartilage, but I could not see myself getting anything in one of the aforesaid spots. I just got the chills thinking about it.

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