Saturday, May 1, 2010

but this feels so unnatural/peter gabriel too


I have been at Manhattan School of Music all day . . . sitting, singing and drinking juice. I took my ear training final earlier today, and don't think I failed which is a major accomplishment on my part, seeing how my teacher is a 70 year old black dude who hums to himself and tells us that if we get one question wrong, we fail. Then I went to this deli by my school, got a salad and sat in this super cool park after I met with my fwend Fresca. There was this boy in the park near where I was sitting playing the cello and singing; he was so good and clearly enjoyed what he was doing. That's what I want. To be able to be happy doing whatever it is that I am doing, and not let others tell me what's best for me. I feel like I say this all the time, but I just can't get it through my head. Oh yeah, I also had my dress rehearsal for my musical theater class and I don't know my lines still . . . no biggie. Well I have to go to theory now and watch my teacher play the saxophone and listen to music performed by artists who were clearly tripping on some crazy shit. 

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