Thursday, April 29, 2010



Not liking people is not a trend. Yeah, weird huh? Walking around the halls of my school, I literally hear mad people being like, "Oh man, I fucking hate everyone." Okay . . . so you don't like people, cool. You say this, yet you walk around acting like you're completely untouchable and pretend to be all fake; so you totally hate everyone, right? I'm not a hypocrite because I say this and yes, I do actually hate majority of the people who I have to be around. My friends are the closest people to me, and some of the only people I can tolerate at this point. I'm so sick of stupid bitches who live in a shell, a sequined, Juicy Couture shell. My friends and I hear people say some shit and wonder how anyone can be so ignorant . . . and then there are those people who's presence and voices in general make me want to take my desk and jam it down their throat. We're almost out. Be cool.

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