Thursday, April 15, 2010



I've always wondered whether I'm a go-getter or a laid back kid. I guess I'm a bit of both, because I try to get what I want, but I'm not pretentious and all pushy about it. I consider a go-getter to be someone who goes out for what they want, but for some reason, go-getter has a negative connotation to me. There are kids I know who may be considered go-getter's, but they step on people in the process of achieving their goals. Laid back kids don't necessarily do nothing and get nowhere, they just have this way about themselves where they try to get what they want, but don't promote the fact. I have a friend who I considered laid back who wants to make a difference, but will, in due time. It's not a fucking race like some people make it out to be. I feel like I'm pinpointing one person in my head who I consider to be the epitome of a go-getter and I hate his attitude (and him in general). Most of my friends are pretty laid back for the most part, but it's hard to say that you have one trait or another; it's usually a mix of two completely contrasting traits. I'm not all like, "fuck this" and "fuck that" like I don't care, but I don't feverishly try to beat the shit out of people to get ahead of them in life. Getting ahead really isn't on my mind, and it hasn't been for the past few years -- ever since I realized that there is so much more I should be worried about, like learning about myself and not caring about the opinions of others. But I don't know . . . I may just be crazy and actually be a complete go-getter, oh God. If I ever display any signs of aggressiveness, yearning, or plotting to destroy, tell me so I can stop.

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