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So I try not to get all hyped up over the "latest" stuff that's going on with famous people these days, like how they're all skanky and go through so many breakups it's mind boggling. I know the Olympics is kind of mainstream in pop culture right now, but I felt I had to comment on the recent crash of Luge Slider, Nodar Kumaritashvili. This 21 year old Olympiad died way before his time by crashing into a metal pole during a training run. He died almost instantly. He was reported to be traveling at speeds greater than 90mph at the time of the crash. Vancouver's Luge track was said to be the fastest ever, and though Kumaritashvili was well prepared for the games, he had told his father days earlier that he felt uncomfortable on the turns. Concerns were raised even before the crash by officials who stated that the Olympics is just pushing the limits way too far. This quote by Australia's Hannah Campbell-Pegg really spoke volumes to me. "I think they are pushing it a little too much," she said Thursday night after she nearly lost control in training. "To what extent are we just little lemmings that they just throw down a track and we're crash-test dummies? I mean, this is our lives." Yes, the Olympics are a test of strength, agility and overall perseverance, but this is just too much. How many people have to die in training and competition before we realize that trying to prove your abilities is not worth loosing your life. I really hope that this crash opens up the eyes of everyone who is responsible in deciding the course layouts and difficulties for all games in the Olympics. I have seen the video of the crash numerous times, but I am not going to post it here on my blog. You all can look up the video on Google and watch the horror that could have easily been prevented. It is so unfortunate that somebody had to die for some attention to be brought to the dangers in Luging. Let's hope for a better future for Luging and peace for the Kumaritashvili family.
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