The pyramids that so beautifully adorn the landscape of Egypt hold in them, hundreds of years of mystery, enchantment, hard labor, status, dirty money, culture, and death. Of the seven wonders of the world, the pyramids are the only one that have survived in a form that resembles their original condition.
During the early years of Egyptian history, the bodies of the pharaohs were placed in pyramids, which are simply, massive stone structures built on the edge of the desert, near the high flood level of the Nile. The pyramids were both royal tombs and religious temples, where the spirit of the dead pharaoh could be worshipped. They were built of huge blocks of limestone and granite, each block weighing over two tons. The stones were then carried on boats down the Nile and hauled from the river to the leveled site, using ropes, sledges, and muscle. This is mystery number one. The men who lifted these stones were nothing in comparison to the gaudy body builders we see today. They were often very poor, and emaciated and were therefore forced to count the days in sweat and tears, working tirelessly to help in the Pharaoh's cause.

Inside the pyramid, two rooms were cut, one of these rooms was the Pharaoh's burial chamber, and the other was a storeroom to hold the Pharaoh's important possessions. When the pharaoh was buried, his coffin was dragged up a long corridor to the burial chamber. Then the corridor was completely blocked off, and the entrance to the pyramid carefully sealed and hidden. This right here, is mystery number two. Although the pyramids were constructed in such a way that made robbery difficult, over the centuries thieves have managed to break in, destroying the bodies of the pharaohs and stealing their treasures. This is completely baffling, for the entrances were completely blocked off, and what you see in Indiana Jones is true. There were booby-traps that made entrance virtually impossible, but some masterminds found ways in. Because of this, the pharaohs stopped building pyramids and instead had secret tombs made in a remote and desolate place called "The Valley of the Kings," near the ancient city of Thebes.
But wait. All of this gets even weirder. The Great Pyramid of Giza was what many Pharaohs tried to model their own tombs from. When historians went back to study this pyramid, they found no Pharaoh's body, and no treasures. So then why was it built? Well, I did some more research and found that many feel this pyramid serves a purpose other than that of a resting place.
The Great Pyramid of Giza is located at the exact center of the Earth's land mass. That is, its East-West axis corresponds to the longest land parallel across the Earth, passing through Africa, Asia, and America. Similarly, the longest land meridian on Earth, through Asia, Africa, Europa, and Antarctica, also passes right through the Pyramid. Since the Earth has enough land area to provide 3 billion possible building sites for the Pyramid, the odds of it's having been built where it is are 1 in 3 billion.
I saw this and was astonished, but The Lone Conspirators had even more facts that I felt had to be told to you all. They are very math heavy, but if you take the time to decipher them, you will find that what the ancient Egyptians have done is beyond remarkable.
Amazingly, the outside surface stones are cut within 0.01 (1/100th) inch of perfectly straight and at nearly perfect right angles for all six sides. And they were placed together with an intentional gap between them of 0.02 inch. Modern technology cannot place such 20-ton stones with greater accuracy than those in the Pyramid. Even more amazing is that the 0.02-inch gap was designed to allow space for glue to seal and hold the stones together. White cement that connected the casing stones and made them watertight is still intact and stronger than the blocks that it joins.

We know from geometry that there is a universal relationship between the diameter of a circle and its circumference. Consider this: The height of the Pyramid's apex is 5,812.98 inches, and each side is 9,131 inches from corner to corner (in a straight line). If the circumference of the Pyramid is divided by twice its height (the diameter of a circle is twice the radius), the result is 3.14159, which just happens to be pi. Incredibly, this calculation is accurate to six digits. So the Pyramid is a square circle, and thus pi was designed into it 4,600 years ago. Pi is demonstrated many times throughout the Pyramid.
Other numbers are also repeated throughout. Each of the Pyramids four walls, when measured as a straight line, are 9,131 inches, for a total of 36,524 inches. At first glance, this number may not seem significant, but move the decimal point over and you get 365.24. Modern science has shown us that the exact length of the solar year is 365.24 days. Coincidence?
The average height of land above sea level (Miami being low and the Himalayas being high), as can be measured only by modern-day satellites and computers, happens to be 5,449 inches. That is the exact height of the Pyramid.
Apparently, the people that built the great pyramid knew a lot more information than the humans of 4,600 years ago. Could I be implying the pyramids were built by aliens? Perhaps, but maybe not. It could have been some sort of spiritual or supernatural source too, but who knows?
I'm gonna go pick up my jaw that I dropped while researching all of this, and then maybe I'll absorb myself in an Indiana Jones movie while while eating some biscutz.

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