Many say that they have gone through alien abductions, which entail a forced medical examination with the aliens prime focus being on human reproductive organs. Others report that they are told to take more action to protect the environment and stop abusing nuclear weapons.
Of course there are scientists who try to disprove alien abductions and write them off as being cases of hypnosis, false-memory syndrome, sleep phenomena, or schizophrenia. There are always going to be scientists trying to disprove any claim that seems completely absurd, but come on, there is no way that we are the ONLY life forms in the entire universe. Anyone who believes that is being completely unethical bec,ause there have been so many reports that prove these alleged encounters with extraterrestrial beings. And no, not all of them were written/told/reported by fucking psychopaths who made up everything for publicity. I believe strongly in these encounters with other worldly creatures and have since I was maybe nine or ten and found all of these books about aliens at the library. I am a believer and cannot believe that there are people who completely shut down anything relating to aliens for fear of causing an 'unnecessary commotion.'This commotion should totally be caused and we all should embrace our bug-eyed brethren.
There are eight steps to an abduction that were prepared by Thomas E. Bullard:
1.Capture. The abductee is forcibly taken from terrestrial surroundings to an apparent alien space craft.
2.Examination. Invasive medical or scientific procedures are performed on the abductee.
3.Conference. The abductors speak to the abductee.
4.Tour. The abductees are given a tour of their captors' vessel.
5.Loss of Time. Abductees rapidly forget the majority of their experience.
6.Return. The abductees are returned to earth. Occasionally in a different location from where they were allegedly taken or with new injuries or disheveled clothing.
7.Theophany. The abductee has a profound mystical experience, accompanied by a feeling of oneness with God or the universe.
8.Aftermath. The abductee must cope with the psychological, physical, and social effects of the experience.
I find aliens to be incredibly interesting, so be prepared for many many many posts about them and other phenomena that relate to them in the future! Don't read this and think I'm crazy, because I'm really not, I swear.
2.Examination. Invasive medical or scientific procedures are performed on the abductee.
3.Conference. The abductors speak to the abductee.
4.Tour. The abductees are given a tour of their captors' vessel.
5.Loss of Time. Abductees rapidly forget the majority of their experience.
6.Return. The abductees are returned to earth. Occasionally in a different location from where they were allegedly taken or with new injuries or disheveled clothing.
7.Theophany. The abductee has a profound mystical experience, accompanied by a feeling of oneness with God or the universe.
8.Aftermath. The abductee must cope with the psychological, physical, and social effects of the experience.
I find aliens to be incredibly interesting, so be prepared for many many many posts about them and other phenomena that relate to them in the future! Don't read this and think I'm crazy, because I'm really not, I swear.
Love this fucking shit, all of these people who just don't understand anything outside of themselves.
For more information about these creatures check out UFO Casebook.
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