[wuhn]. Don't let other fucking people tell you that what you like is wrong. YOU LIKE WHAT YOU LIKE, and ignore everyone who is like "ew I hate that" or "oh my gawd how could you ever do that." Honestly, I get this so much and I'm sure everyone else does too. Forget that shit it's nobody's business what you choose to do, because you are who you are, and nobody should let you change yourself to fit into our stupid societal norm.
[too]. If someones a bitch, they're a bitch. The end. There's very little that you can do to change that, so you just have to let it go, and there's no point in making it your life's goal to get your revenge. I am at fault for this, and I regret ever wasting my time on someone who is so not worth it. Let the betches be betches and the world will be at peace, because without the mean, you would never understand the fulfilling impact of the nice.
[three]. Don't try to please other people, aka don't do everything your parents tell you because it's not their life, it's yours. I know it's not that easy, but I have been submitting to what my father has told me for the past seventeen years of my life, and I had to struggle to make mistakes and spend so much time finding out about myself, as I am sure you have all had to do. This isn't a boo-hoo my life sucks kinda thing, it is a don't make decisions based on what other people want for you kinda thing. This is so juvenile and we all know it, but we all still do it, because we as humans want praise, acceptance, and to be given a good 'ole pat on the back.
[fawr]. All of this gossip garbage is really getting old. We're all culprits of it because we all talk about other people, want to know everything about other people, and in a sense, live off of this mindless banter. Think about it, in almost every conversation you have, are you making fun of another person, mentioning what another person has said and mocking it, or judging people based off of things they have done? I know I have done all of these things, and continue to do them on a daily basis. I can tell myself to stop and think that I will be a better person for doing so, but unfortunately, that's not the way things work. We live for the hype.
[fahyv]. Just relax, with an open mind so much more is possible.
[siks]. You don't know someone unless you actually talk to them, so don't go about thinking something about someone unless you take the time out of your 'oh so busy life' to get to know them. I'm sure if half of us actually talked to the people we talked shit about, that we would realize how much we really have in common. I mean, we are all Homo sapiens.
[sev-uhn]. Just don't pretend to be nice. I would rather have you not talk to me than be super sweet and then just go bullshit about me to other people. I know so many girls (and guys) who continue to do this to myself and almost everyone I know. I do this shit too but I am feverishly trying to stop because I hate playing pretend.
[eyt]. DONT'T SETTLE! Try to do everything you possibly can and don't just give into something because you think that it will satisfy what you need. Go beyond your satisfactions and the realm of your comfort zone! What we get in life is what we make of it, so go out and do everything your heart desires, whether that be going to the Wiggles concert tour, or shopping at Baby Gap, fulfill your wildest dreams and expectations.
[nahyn]. Take your own advice, because, chances are, what you tell other people they should do is probably what you wish you could do.
Point to the less.
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