Essentials to writing a good blog post:
- I must be in something comfortable, preferably pajamas, or just sweats
- Something to drink; ranges between coffee, tea, Coke or water
- Music playing, it doesn't matter what, I just need something
- Little light in my room, it sets the mood
- Candles or incense burning because they make my room smell good
- Ideas
- Motivation
- Trashy television (sometimes)
- Food, if there is anything good at my house
- A blanket
- I must be in something comfortable, preferably pajamas, or just sweats
- Something to drink; ranges between coffee, tea, Coke or water
- Music playing, it doesn't matter what, I just need something
- Little light in my room, it sets the mood
- Candles or incense burning because they make my room smell good
- Ideas
- Motivation
- Trashy television (sometimes)
- Food, if there is anything good at my house
- A blanket

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