Saturday, January 23, 2010
B b roKen Lll i NK
These are photos by Valeria Picerno that I really like at the moment. I found them and I love that she still finds beauty in film in a digital overload.

Friday, January 22, 2010
Here are my answers to some pretty standard “would you rather” questions, but ask yourself, which would you rather do?
-Would you rather always take a cold shower or sleep an hour less than you need to be fully rested?
COLD SHOWER easily practically nothing gets between me and my sleep.
-Would you rather always have to say everything on your mind or never speak again?
Never speak again because saying everything on my mind would fuck me over so badly
-Would you rather always lose or never play?
Always lose so then I can experience the game
-Would you rather be a deep sea diver or an astronaut?
Astronaut forever
-Would you rather be a tree or live in a tree?
Live in a tree no doubt, that would actually be amazing
-Would you rather be able to hear any conversation or take back anything you say?
Take back anything I say
-Would you rather be forgotten or hatefully remembered?
Hatefully remembered because then my life wasn’t worth nothing
-Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you hate?
By myself, I hate pretending to be cordial to people who I hate so that just wouldn’t work
-Would you rather be the most popular or the smartest person you know?
The smartest person I know because to be popular is some fucking stupid label people put on others, while intelligence is actually worth something
-Would you rather eat a handful of hair or lick three public telephones?
-Would you rather find true love or 10 million dollars?
True love though money would buy me temporary happiness
-Would you rather get even or get over it?
Definitely get even
-Would you rather go without television or junk food for the rest of your life?
Television, mostly because I can watch shows on my computer
-Would you rather sweat moderately but constantly 24 hours a day all over your body or have a metal pin in
your jaw that constantly picks up talk radio stations?
A metal pin because then I could listen to music all day err day
-Would you rather have to frolic or crawl everywhere you go?
Frolickers united
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Oh, avalanche in apartment B
All at once a weight dropped on me
Sweating at the bar fifteen minutes ago
We were yelling our heads off
Now I'm surrounded by snow
Reach up, cold air hits your hands
Snow packs like cement you can't stand
Remain calm while rescue makes plans
The earth must contract and expand
Can you find the instrument hidden in these short brain teasers? The answers are down below, and no, I won't judge you if you go to the end of this post and cheat due to utter frustration.
1. P O
2. BA BA
4. @ # $ %
Highlight below this line:
1. Piano (P and O)
2. Tuba (Two BA)
3. Clarinet (CLAR in ET)
4. Cymbals (Symbols)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
b4 i die
Give my father just as much as he gave me
If only it were all possible.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Call to the Moon

How did you start Banshee Beat?
-I started Banshee Beat to use it as a sort of Gallery for my photography and things that inspired my work and personal style. As the months went by I started to get into collaging, really as a way to enliven my blog. Eventually the display of my work progressed to my lovely job, so I’m very happy with where I am at.
Describe to us Space 15 Twenty.
-Space 15 Twenty is Urban Outfitters experiment retail setting, which gives UO an opportunity to collaborate with creative and amazing artists/designers. Space holds UO, Free People, Shoes+Shoes+Shoes+Bags, What Goes Around Comes Around(Vintage Stores based in NY) Umami Burger, Hennessey+Ingalls(The Best Bookstore) and Gallery Space. We also hold events like Monthly Flea Market, or Bike Day LA to name a few. Its a really amazing place, you are bound to be inspired.
Film or digital?
-Film Forever

How has photography, and making your own collages made you who you are today?
-Its shaped me in so many ways. Its opened up so many wonderful opportunities.
Describe your perfect day.
-Coffee Shop, Taking Photos, Going to a yummy vegetarian restaurant, a hike, getting my photos developed at the end of the day. I also love full work days.
What is the one purchase you could not live without?
-Hm, probably my Yashica
Do you have a favorite place to shop?
-Good Will
What is your favorite food?
-Anything Vegetarian, Anything Italian
Favorite movie?
-Tough one, but Royal Tenenbaums
Favorite book?
-Art Forms in Nature. I’m not a big reader, but I love visuals.
Favorite band or singer?
-Another tough one, at the moment Hope Sandoval and the Warm Inventions
What website do you always find yourself on?

-Too many to name
Where do you see yourself next year?
-Continuing my job at Space 15 Twenty
Dream place to live?
-Santa Monica/ Florence/ San Francisco Maybe.
Where do you get the inspiration for your incredible collages?
-Well, thank you. It can be anything really. The simplest things, it all comes together like a magnet. My mind doesn’t stop making collages, I sometimes find myself dozing off to sleep while my mind is still putting things together.
What is your photo blog Wwwolf?
-Dear Wwwolf was an experiment, that I believed has died. It was the story behind the photo, there could be so many interpretations.
What is one trend that you adored as a pre-teen, but now ask yourself why you ever thought it was cool?
-The one that tops the list is decking out in a certain color, like red. Head to Toe red.
Many say that it is our environment that molds us, how has your environment molded or inspired your work?
-That’s the cool thing about LA, you get both nature and city, and both combined can create something really lovely.
And finally, do you like cats? The Youth Explosion has a thing for felines.
-I love cats. I love my little Jax to bits and pieces...I love animals more than humans.
Here are some of Shelby's transcendent collages. A true artisan.
Check out Shelby's Do It Yourself that she hosted at Space 15 Twenty a few weeks ago. As you can tell, Space 15 Twenty is a place where inspiration can be found inside and out.
Banshee Beat x DIY x Flea Market from Space 15 Twenty on Vimeo.
I have this idea of when i stop caring,
i’ll take a photo of it to remind myself that it wasn’t apathy.
it was the lack of emotion ( in the space ) between us.
it was focusing on this that has made it so hard,
a course that i wish i didn’t have to repeatedly drive through -
when i do care enough to remember -
i’ll probably forget to realize that it doesn’t matter.
one last time before the end?
courtesy of Scenes From Private Life
Monday, January 18, 2010
smoke 'n mirrors