1. Everyone is out for themselves: It does not matter who you are, where you come from, how you were brought up, or how good of a soul shaker you are. It is in our nature to want to get ahead, and do whatever it takes in the process. So don't let that shy kid in the corner who acts as though he wants the best for everyone fool you. Yeah, maybe he does want you to do well, but if it came down to survival, he would eat the last fish off the island to live a little bit longer than you, (and yes, that whole fish thing can be compared to winning a game/contest/prize, being the top of the class and taking that guy that you've been eyeing for months now.)
2. Nothing really matters all that much: No, it does not. I mean, we live for like 80 years tops (unless you're some kind of lucky monster), and those 80 years should be spent happily. I am so sick of caring about things that I can't control. I am kind of free from all of that now, because school is almost over and I will have four more years to explore myself in cool-idge. I waste my time on people and things that don't matter hoping that I can change them or become a part of something that I have never done before. But I'm so over that, and you should be too. Stop trying to be what you're not. No, but seriously, stop. You will never be who you strive to be, so just do your own thing -- yes, I know you have heard this before, but I just realized how true this is last week.
3. Don't ask people what they think about something if it is weird or out of the ordinary, and if you don't want a negative response: If you think something is cool, do it. Don't ask people what they think about it because, chances are, unless you are similar to them, they will not like what you are going to do, because they are not you! Everyone likes different things, so something that you love/want to do, like dye your white canvas sneakers fluorescent blue, should be done no matter what other people tell you.
4. Stop fishing for compliments: By saying you're gross and ugly and stupid, you're actually just asking for us all to be like, "Omg, no you're not, you're like so hot. Like totally." Just stop.
5. Nobody ever said it was good to be too honest or open about how you feel: Some things just don't need to be said because they hurt other people's feelings. You may be asking why I say this, but there are people who don't know when to keep what they want to say inside. I have a friend who does this exact thing; she always tells me exactly how she feels about everyone and then when it comes down to me, what she tells me actually makes me feel bad about myself, and I hate it. I hate it so much. I know that it's just the way she is, but it may still take some time for her to understand that it is not okay to live in the past, and that you really CAN'T always tell people what's on your mind, as sad as that may make you.
6. Anyone can live on water and hummus.
7. Earrings are good . . . all the time.
8. You should dress up once in awhile, it just makes everything funner.
9. Being smart does not equal being lame.
10. Whoever said that bowl cuts are bad should be kicked off the planet.
1, 3, 7 could not agree more
ReplyDeletemmmmm hummus
ReplyDeleteHummus is soul food
ReplyDeletehaha i love this
ReplyDelete4 is half our grade