How did you start your tumblr a cemetery where i marry the sea?
- i actually came across flyingkites's tumblr one day over a year ago and fell in love with it and it inspired me to make my own!
I love every single thing that you post on your tumblr, where do you find such amazing photos?
- thank you! i find them all over the place, random blogspots, xangas, old images on my computer and a lot of reblogs from the lovely people i follow on tumblr
What is one thing, and who is one person in your life that you can find inspiration from?
- the thing that inspires me most is art and music, and more so the combination of the two. and the person who inspires me most is probably my boyfriend just because he is the most amazing person i have ever met and he keeps me sane, loves me for who i am and keeps me true to myself!

I find my blog to be a justifiable representation of myself as a person, as of now at least. Do you find your tumblr to be the same?
- i definitely do! my tumblr is a combo of images, quotes and songs that i love and define me, so it's really just a mess of my personality in general.
What is your favorite website?
- tumblr for sure! so many amazing people and so much inspiration!
Favorite food?
- i'm a huge sandwich fiend. i could eat them every day if i could. lots of veggies and meat and fresh bread... mmmm
Favorite store?
- there's this little store in a shopping area in my city called charisma. it's a headshop and they sell the biggest selection of band t-shirts, stickers, pins, bongs and pipes of course and funky little pieces of jewelry.
Favorite item in your closet and jewelry collection?
- hmmm, well i got this huge vintage zeppelin t-shirt that i cut into a tank top and i could wear it every day! i have a ton of jewelry too that i love, i have a huge collection. i have a wooden tooth necklace though that i really love to death.

Favorite band?
- now this is a toughie. i'm gonna go with either pink floyd or the doors, cause those bands have kept me sane through the roughest times in my life. and they're extremely awesome!
Favorite movie?
- almost famous, for sure. it shaped me when i was 7 years old. and it's been there with me through those nights when you really just need something to comfort you.
Favorite book?
- i really haven't read in a long long time so nothings coming to mind right now!
Favorite painting?
- oh this is hard because i'm such a painting fanatic. since i can't chose i'll just say my favorite painting that I'VE done. it was a collage piece and it was in the theme of an acid trip. once i get it back from my teacher i will post it for sure!
What is one trend you gave in to as a child that you can't believe you liked?
- well, i gave into that whole scene kid phase in 9th grade. it's a huge regret and it was ridiculous but i was teased a lot the year before so it was kind of a rebellion act. i was afraid to be myself.
What is your dream profession?
- an artist, for sure.

If you could have one thing, no matter the cost, what would it be?
- i'm gonna take this one thing as a certain lifestyle i've always dreamed of. me and my boyfriend living by a lake in the woods. no work, no stress no nothing. just waking up when the sun is warm, going down by the water and i'd paint while he played guitar. i could seriously just be in nature every day and not do anything but sit and soak it all up and be totally satisfied.
What is one purchase that you could not live without?
- my dark side of the moon pajamas. they're so comfy, as soon as i get home every day, i put them on right away.
What is something you have to do before you die?
- i would LOVE to backpack across europe! it's always gonna be something i wanna do, if only i had the money for it i would do it right after i graduate.

Where do you like to go to relax?
- my boyfriends bed. it's the comfiest place i've ever been in my life. it's literally like laying in a cloud sandwich. but better somehow.
Is there a particular place you would like to visit at least once in the future?
- the ocean. i've never been but i literally dream of it all the time. it seems magical.
Do you like cats? The Youth Explosion has a thing for cats.
- i don't really actually, i'm a big dog person though! and i love kittens. but not cats.
- i actually came across flyingkites's tumblr one day over a year ago and fell in love with it and it inspired me to make my own!
I love every single thing that you post on your tumblr, where do you find such amazing photos?
- thank you! i find them all over the place, random blogspots, xangas, old images on my computer and a lot of reblogs from the lovely people i follow on tumblr
What is one thing, and who is one person in your life that you can find inspiration from?
- the thing that inspires me most is art and music, and more so the combination of the two. and the person who inspires me most is probably my boyfriend just because he is the most amazing person i have ever met and he keeps me sane, loves me for who i am and keeps me true to myself!

I find my blog to be a justifiable representation of myself as a person, as of now at least. Do you find your tumblr to be the same?
- i definitely do! my tumblr is a combo of images, quotes and songs that i love and define me, so it's really just a mess of my personality in general.
What is your favorite website?
- tumblr for sure! so many amazing people and so much inspiration!
Favorite food?
- i'm a huge sandwich fiend. i could eat them every day if i could. lots of veggies and meat and fresh bread... mmmm
Favorite store?
- there's this little store in a shopping area in my city called charisma. it's a headshop and they sell the biggest selection of band t-shirts, stickers, pins, bongs and pipes of course and funky little pieces of jewelry.
Favorite item in your closet and jewelry collection?
- hmmm, well i got this huge vintage zeppelin t-shirt that i cut into a tank top and i could wear it every day! i have a ton of jewelry too that i love, i have a huge collection. i have a wooden tooth necklace though that i really love to death.

Favorite band?
- now this is a toughie. i'm gonna go with either pink floyd or the doors, cause those bands have kept me sane through the roughest times in my life. and they're extremely awesome!
Favorite movie?
- almost famous, for sure. it shaped me when i was 7 years old. and it's been there with me through those nights when you really just need something to comfort you.
Favorite book?
- i really haven't read in a long long time so nothings coming to mind right now!
Favorite painting?
- oh this is hard because i'm such a painting fanatic. since i can't chose i'll just say my favorite painting that I'VE done. it was a collage piece and it was in the theme of an acid trip. once i get it back from my teacher i will post it for sure!
What is one trend you gave in to as a child that you can't believe you liked?
- well, i gave into that whole scene kid phase in 9th grade. it's a huge regret and it was ridiculous but i was teased a lot the year before so it was kind of a rebellion act. i was afraid to be myself.
What is your dream profession?
- an artist, for sure.

If you could have one thing, no matter the cost, what would it be?
- i'm gonna take this one thing as a certain lifestyle i've always dreamed of. me and my boyfriend living by a lake in the woods. no work, no stress no nothing. just waking up when the sun is warm, going down by the water and i'd paint while he played guitar. i could seriously just be in nature every day and not do anything but sit and soak it all up and be totally satisfied.
What is one purchase that you could not live without?
- my dark side of the moon pajamas. they're so comfy, as soon as i get home every day, i put them on right away.
What is something you have to do before you die?
- i would LOVE to backpack across europe! it's always gonna be something i wanna do, if only i had the money for it i would do it right after i graduate.

Where do you like to go to relax?
- my boyfriends bed. it's the comfiest place i've ever been in my life. it's literally like laying in a cloud sandwich. but better somehow.
Is there a particular place you would like to visit at least once in the future?
- the ocean. i've never been but i literally dream of it all the time. it seems magical.
Do you like cats? The Youth Explosion has a thing for cats.
- i don't really actually, i'm a big dog person though! and i love kittens. but not cats.
Cool cool cool right? I sure as fuck think so.
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein.
ReplyDeleteHaha she likes dogs, and kittens! It's all good man, it's all good.
ReplyDeleteso intensely creative! i love morgan's photos as well.
ReplyDeleteThank you!