I was rather bored the other day so I found myself on Google scrolling through pages of random nonsense. I then came across a part of the website called Doodle 4 Google, where people can send in submissions of designs. You may ask what these designs are for, so for everyone who has no idea what I am talking about, every month Google changes their logo that appears on the home page of the site to a design that encompasses both the "Google" phrase we know and love as well as a design that expresses a particular holiday that may be celebrated globally, or in one country alone. The home page display is changed for New Years, Valentine's Day, the numerous holiday's in the winter months and less well known ones as well, such as Chinese Lantern Day, and the birthday's of some well known people like Martin Luther King Jr. and Michael Jackson. There are artists who are sometimes hierd to design the logos, but children and even some unknowns have had their submissions used. I scrolled through every Doodle 4 Google deisgn over the past seven years and came across these that I loved and wanted to share. xx.

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