Yes, today is wraith Wednesday. Wraith is another word for ghost, and because I felt like using alliteration, ghost just did not fit. The paranormal has always interested me and I hope to one day live in a house inhabited by spirits because they have their stories to tell, and few people are willing to listen. Ouija boards, tarot cards, and psychics are all ways to provoke spirits and an Ouija board in particular is something that has been on my wish list for way too long.To keep in the spirit of Wraith Wednesday, I thought I would show you all some amazing jewelry by Henry Darger from his line inspired by Triskaidekaphobia, fear or phobia of the number 13. The jewelry is eerie, yet inspiring and encompasses both the unreal and the completely fantastic.

Here are some links if you want more on Triskaidekaphobia's line:
Triskaidekaphobia's website
There is a website called, that allows shoe lovers to custom design a pair of their choosing. People find inspiration everywhere for their shoes; I've seen Frankenstein and his bride, a drum set, Pink Floyd, a tractor, Arizona Iced Tea, and even mountains--so basically nothing is off limits. They are $180 a pair, and that price tag includes, the shoes, materials to create the design, and artist Shauna Mae's time. Here is an example of the high quality you can expect:
They're sw33t.